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Shot's Fired

Welcome To our podcast.   The Home Of Shot's Fired and Talk Shit Podcasts, produced and Dist. by Tactical Shit

The Shots Fired Podcats, hosted by Tj Kirgin, takes an in depth Monday morning quarter back approach to any and all 2nd Amendment and Firearms related events in current media.  Bringing to the forefront what real gun owners and 2a Advocates really feel and think, and not what the Main Stream Media tries to tell you.  Regular guests on the show include Combat Veterans, Law Enforcement Officers, Competitive Shooters, and More!

Jun 23, 2023

In this Estrogen packed Episode, Alex talks with New Guest Marisol , and Krystal about a customer interaction that has the whole shop talking.  Also in this episode, the group goes over our JULY events, links below!  Don't forget to share and subscribe!

Make Sure To sign up for our upcoming classes!
Missouri CCW Class:

Jun 18, 2023

In this Father's Day special, the group sits down to discuss not only our sales event but also their favorite Father's Day activities. Because that's just what these dads do. Before all that TJ tells a few life lessons, he learned firsthand, what to do afterward. Don't forget about this being the LAST CHANCE to hit...

Jun 11, 2023

While Dyna Death is away on vacation, FDE steps in to give his opinions on the recent news articles involving 2a rights the  @FirearmsPolicyCoalition  & the devil's lettuce. After that we hear about how Hunter Bidebn may become the face of the 2a community, How many braces were actually made into SBR thanks to

Jun 6, 2023

Check it out, the Gflex reflex trigger just dropped in time to distract us from possibly one of the G🌈est days ever Pistol Brace D-Day.  Not only do we cover POTUS's recent shenanigans, but we hear about the new business the lovely Krystal has started.

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Flex Trigger